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Video Ayu Ting Ting Baju Melorot

Video Ayu Ting Ting Baju Melorot - Anda dapat pesan ini atau lagi penasaran sama video hot yang katanya beredar ini ? bila yah ..mungkin ada sudah tertipu karena dari berita yang saya baca dan akan saya copas ini bahwa pada tautan pada Pesan Video Ayu Ting Ting Baju Melorot ini akan yang berujung pada virus dan Trojan yang dapat menginfeksi komputer Anda.

Berikut beritanya.

'Ayu Ting Ting Baju

49 Days Drama Korea

Info 49 Days Drama Korea Hiburan buat teman-teman yang suka drama korea, terutama yang di putar di tv, yah kali ini indosiar menayangkan drama korea bertajuk 49 Days.

Drama yang bergenre Fantasy, Comedy dan Romatis ini menceritakan tentang kisah seorang wanita muda bernama Ji yang sedang menikmati kebahagiaan karena akan segera menikah dengan tunangannya, tetapi kehidupannya yang sempurna ini

Easiest ways to cope with Mesothelioma

I am a student of MD and I had to submit a project in the college, containing all information on the disease named ‘Mesothelioma’. I did not know anything about the disease, but I got complete information through the website . I would like to share some important information that would help the patients of Mesothelioma. No doubt, the disease is a deadly one. However, one can cope with it easily, if he or she follows some good nutritional habits and appropriate work out plan and take some vitamin supplements. In this way, he or she can live a life happily and actively.

For other people, if they find any of these symptoms, such as persistent cough, blood in the phlegm or spit, hoarse voice, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing when breathing and recurring cases of Pneumonia and Bronchitis, they should undergo Mesothelioma tests. If the problem is diagnosed earlier, there are many possible treatments available, such as AMesothelioma Clinical trials . Else, it will be too late. 

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Triad - Istimewa

Download MP3 Gratis T.R.I.A.D - Istimewa, bingung juga mau posting apa tapi beberapa hari ini saya lagu seneng dengerin lagunya T.R.I.A.D itu loh band bentukan ahmad dhani detailnya cari sendiri deh :D
Dari Lirik yang saya dengar dan baca lagu Triad - Istimewa bercerita tentang pria yang sangat mencintai seorang cewek dan berusaha agar si cewek juga memperhatikannya namun apa daya itu tak

Suster Ngesot Di Tendang Satpam

Suster Ngesot Di Tendang Satpam - Beberapa hari ini ada berita yang membuat saya tersenyum sambil geleng-geleng kepala karena cukup menggelikan? yah itu mungkin bagi saya tapi gimana bagi "Suster Ngesot" nya ? Yah tentu saja si suster ngesotnya mesti dirawat di rumah sakit karena akibat tendangan satpan itu menyebabkan pelipis kirinya lebam dan satu gigi bawahnya patah? dan gimana nasib satpamnya

Sinetron Binar Bening Berlian RCTI

Sinopsis sinetron BINAR BENING BERLIAN RCTI - ikuti kisah kehidupan dari ketiga gadis tersebut, Binar, Bening, dan Berlian Setiap hari, Pukul 19.00 WIB

Pemain Sinetron Binar Bening Berlian RCTI:
ASMIRANDAH sbg. Berlian
IRISH BELLA sbg. Bening
JONAS RIVANNO sbg. Tegar / Jack
Sinopsis Binar Bening Berlian


I'm forgot where I found this article, but it was good to share for another peoples who had brain problems. This articles shares the habits that could damaging our brains. It's simple and general things that peoples never think the effects. I hope you and another readers can use this article to change your habits and to be more good live.

1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain 

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Akhir Riwayat Sang Lutung

Seekor lutung (kera hitam) berjalan terseok-seok di pasir. Akibat jatuh dari pohon, tubuhnya menjadi lemah tak bertenaga. Ia lapar sekali, sementara hutan masih jauh. Dengan memaksa diri, ia tiba di tepi muara sungai. Ia minum dengan rakusnya. “Kenapa kamu pucat lutung? Kamu sakit payah?” tegur seekor ayam hutan besar yang mematuk-matuk udang di tepi muara. “Ya, tolong terbangkan aku ke hutan di seberang muara ini,” pinta lutung. Ayam hutan merasa iba dan setuju, ia terbang membawa lutung yang berpegangan erat di kakinya.

Sesampainya di hutan, lutung tak mau melepaskan kaki ayam hutan. Ia bahkan mencabuti semua bulu ayam hutan yang berwarna kuning keemasan itu. Sang ayam hutan pingsan karena kesakitan. Dia sudah mati, pikir lutung. Kemudian bangkai ayam hutan disembunyikannya di dalam semak belukar, sementara ia pergi mencari api di dalam hutan.

Sang Ayam Hutan kemudian sadar. Dia menangis tersedu-sedu sebab kehilangan semua bulunya. “He, kenapa badanmu, siapa yang telah mencabuti bulu-bulumu?” tanya seekor sapi dengan heran. Ayam hutan menceritakan semua pengalamannya. Alangkah marahnya sapi terhadap perlakuan si lutung. “Kurang ajar!” Biarlah kuberi pelajaran lutung itu. Sembunyilah kau di tempat lain,” ujar sapi. Ayam hutan menurutinya. Ketika lutung datang membawa obor dan menanyakan di mana ayam hutan, sampi membohonginya. “Ayam hutan itu rupanya belum mati, ia berenang ke tengah laut,” kata sapi. Lutung meminta sapi mengantarnya ke gundukan batu karang di tengah laut, di mana ia mengira si ayam hutan bersembunyi. Dengan ramah sapi bersedia mengantarnya. Tanpa pikir panjang lutung naik ke punggung sapi yang kemudian berenang ke gundukan batu karang di tengah laut. Akan tetapi, setelah lutung loncat ke gundukan batu karan gitu, segera sapi meninggalkannya. “Semoga kau mampus disergap ikan gurita” ujar sapi. Lutung duduk di puncak batu karang dan menangis. “Mengapa kamu menangis?” tegur seekor penyu. “Aku heran, bagaimana kau dapat ke sini.” Aku naik sampan, kemudian sampanku terbalik dan aku terdampar disini,” jawab lutung berbohong. Karena kasihan, penyu mengantarkan lutung ke pantai. Lutung naik ke punggung penyu.

“Bagaimana kau dapat berenang dengan cepat?” tanya lutung. “Dengan kayuhan kaki-kakiku,” jawab penyu tanpa curiga. Ketika di pantai, lutung ingin melihat kaki penyu. Penyu setuju dan segera tubuhnya dibalikkan oleh lutung. Ternyata lutung segera meninggalkan penyu dalam keadaan terbalik. Ia bermaksud mencari harimau, karena hanya harimaulah yang dapat mengeluarkan daging penyu dari kulitnya yang keras itu.

Penyu menangis dan berteriak-teriak minta tolong. “Mengapa kamu?” tanya seekor tikus yang mendekat. Penyu lalu menceritakan pengalamannya. Tikus pun mejadi sangat marah terhadap lutung yang tak tahu membalas budi itu. Ia bersama tikus-tikus lain menggali pasir di bawah badan penyu, dengan harapan apabila air pasang naik penyu dapat membalikkan tubuhnya dengan mudah. Sementara menunggu kedatangan lutung, tikus-tikus itu menutupi tubuh penyu dengan tubuh mereka sendiri. Dan menari-nari sambil bersayir : “Mari kita ikut gembira ria … bersama sang lutung yang jenaka … yang berhasil menipu Raja Rimba … yang mengira betul ada penyu, padahala hanya kita yang ada…” Lutung yang datang bersama harimau sangan heran, dimanakah penyu? Mendengar syair tikus-tikus, harimau pun menjadi marah karena merasa ditipu. “Mana penyu yang kau katakan itu?” geramnya. Kemudian lutung itu diterkam oleh sang Harimau, dibawa lari kedalam hutan.


Aladin dan Lampu Ajaib

Dahulu kala, di kota Persia, seorang Ibu tinggal dengan anak laki-lakinya yang bernama Aladin. Suatu hari datanglah seorang laki-laki mendekati Aladin yang sedang bermain. Kemudian laki-laki itu mengakui Aladin sebagai keponakannya. Laki-laki itu mengajak Aladin pergi ke luar kota dengan seizin ibu Aladin untuk membantunya. Jalan yang ditempuh sangat jauh. Aladin mengeluh kecapaian kepada pamannya tetapi ia malah dibentak dan disuruh untuk mencari kayu bakar, kalau tidak mau Aladin akan dibunuhnya. Aladin akhirnya sadar bahwa laki-laki itu bukan pamannya melainkan seorang penyihir. Laki-laki penyihir itu kemudian menyalakan api dengan kayu bakar dan mulai mengucapkan mantera. “Kraak…” tiba-tiba tanah menjadi berlubang seperti gua.

Dalam lubang gua itu terdapat tangga sampai ke dasarnya. “Ayo turun! Ambilkan aku lampu antik di dasar gua itu”, seru si penyihir. “Tidak, aku takut turun ke sana”, jawab Aladin. Penyihir itu kemudian mengeluarkan sebuah cincin dan memberikannya kepada Aladin. “Ini adalah cincin ajaib, cincin ini akan melindungimu”, kata si penyihir. Akhirnya Aladin menuruni tangga itu dengan perasaan takut. Setelah sampai di dasar ia menemukan pohon-pohon berbuah permata. Setelah buah permata dan lampu yang ada di situ dibawanya, ia segera menaiki tangga kembali. Tetapi, pintu lubang sudah tertutup sebagian. “Cepat berikan lampunya !”, seru penyihir. “Tidak ! Lampu ini akan kuberikan setelah aku keluar”, jawab Aladin. Setelah berdebat, si penyihir menjadi tidak sabar dan akhirnya “Brak!” pintu lubang ditutup oleh si penyihir lalu meninggalkan Aladin terkurung di dalam lubang bawah tanah. Aladin menjadi sedih, dan duduk termenung. “Aku lapar, Aku ingin bertemu ibu, Tuhan, tolonglah aku !”, ucap Aladin.

Aladin merapatkan kedua tangannya dan mengusap jari-jarinya. Tiba-tiba, sekelilingnya menjadi merah dan asap membumbung. Bersamaan dengan itu muncul seorang raksasa. Aladin sangat ketakutan. “Maafkan saya, karena telah mengagetkan Tuan”, saya adalah peri cincin kata raksasa itu. “Oh, kalau begitu bawalah aku pulang kerumah.” “Baik Tuan, naiklah kepunggungku, kita akan segera pergi dari sini”, ujar peri cincin. Dalam waktu singkat, Aladin sudah sampai di depan rumahnya. “Kalau tuan memerlukan saya panggillah dengan menggosok cincin Tuan.”

Aladin menceritakan semua hal yang di alaminya kepada ibunya. “Mengapa penyihir itu menginginkan lampu kotor ini ya ?”, kata Ibu sambil menggosok membersihkan lampu itu. “Syut !” Tiba-tiba asap membumbung dan muncul seorang raksasa peri lampu. “Sebutkanlah perintah Nyonya”, kata si peri lampu. Aladin yang sudah pernah mengalami hal seperti ini memberi perintah,”kami lapar, tolong siapkan makanan untuk kami”. Dalam waktu singkat peri Lampu membawa makanan yang lezat-lezat kemudian menyuguhkannya. “Jika ada yang diinginkan lagi, panggil saja saya dengan menggosok lampu itu”, kata si peri lampu.

Demikian hari, bulan, tahunpun berganti, Aladin hidup bahagia dengan ibunya. Aladin sekarang sudah menjadi seorang pemuda. Suatu hari lewat seorang Putri Raja di depan rumahnya. Ia sangat terpesona dan merasa jatuh cinta kepada Putri Cantik itu. Aladin lalu menceritakan keinginannya kepada ibunya untuk memperistri putri raja. “Tenang Aladin, Ibu akan mengusahakannya”. Ibu pergi ke istana raja dengan membawa permata-permata kepunyaan Aladin. “Baginda, ini adalah hadiah untuk Baginda dari anak laki-lakiku.” Raja amat senang. “Wah…, anakmu pasti seorang pangeran yang tampan, besok aku akan datang ke Istana kalian dengan membawa serta putriku”.

Setelah tiba di rumah Ibu segera menggosok lampu dan meminta peri lampu untuk membawakan sebuah istana. Aladin dan ibunya menunggu di atas bukit. Tak lama kemudian peri lampu datang dengan Istana megah di punggungnya. “Tuan, ini Istananya”. Esok hari sang Raja dan putrinya datang berkunjung ke Istana Aladin yang sangat megah. “Maukah engkau menjadikan anakku sebagai istrimu ?”, Tanya sang Raja. Aladin sangat gembira mendengarnya. Lalu mereka berdua melaksanakan pesta pernikahan.

Nun jauh disana, si penyihir ternyata melihat semua kejadian itu melalui bola kristalnya. Ia lalu pergi ke tempat Aladin dan pura-pura menjadi seorang penjual lampu di depan Istana Aladin. Ia berteriak-teriak, “tukarkan lampu lama anda dengan lampu baru !”. Sang permaisuri yang melihat lampu ajaib Aladin yang usang segera keluar dan menukarkannya dengan lampu baru. Segera si penyihir menggosok lampu itu dan memerintahkan peri lampu memboyong istana beserta isinya dan istri Aladin ke rumahnya.

Ketika Aladin pulang dari berkeliling, ia sangat terkejut. Lalu memanggil peri cincin dan bertanya kepadanya apa yang telah terjadi. “Kalau begitu tolong kembalikan lagi semuanya kepadaku”, seru Aladin. “Maaf Tuan, tenaga saya tidaklah sebesar peri lampu,” ujar peri cincin. “Baik kalau begitu aku yang akan mengambilnya. Tolong Antarkan kau kesana”, seru Aladin. Sesampainya di Istana, Aladin menyelinap masuk mencari kamar tempat sang Putri dikurung. “Penyihir itu sedang tidur karena kebanyakan minum bir”, ujar sang Putri. “Baik, jangan kuatir aku akan mengambil kembali lampu ajaib itu, kita nanti akan menang”, jawab Aladin.

Aladin mengendap mendekati penyihir yang sedang tidur. Ternyata lampu ajaib menyembul dari kantungnya. Aladin kemudian mengambilnya dan segera menggosoknya. “Singkirkan penjahat ini”, seru Aladin kepada peri lampu. Penyihir terbangun, lalu menyerang Aladin. Tetapi peri lampu langsung membanting penyihir itu hingga tewas. “Terima kasih peri lampu, bawalah kami dan Istana ini kembali ke Persia”. Sesampainya di Persia Aladin hidup bahagia. Ia mempergunakan sihir dari peri lampu untuk membantu orang-orang miskin dan kesusahan.



Suatu hari ketika Imam Abu Hanifah sedang berjalan-jalan melalui sebuah rumah yang jendelanya masih terbuka, terdengar oleh beliau suara orang yang mengeluh dan menangis tersedu-sedu. Keluhannya mengandungi kata-kata, "Aduhai, alangkah malangnya nasibku ini, agaknya tiada seorang pun yang lebih malang dari nasibku yang celaka ini. Sejak dari pagi lagi belum datang sesuap nasi atau makanan pun di kerongkongku sehingga seluruh badanku menjadi lemah longlai. Oh, manakah hati yang belas ikhsan yang sudi memberi curahan air walaupun setitik."
Mendengar keluhan itu, Abu Hanifah berasa kasihan lalu beliau pun balik ke rumahnya dan mengambil bungkusan hendak diberikan kepada orang itu. Sebaik saja dia sampai ke rumah orang itu, dia terus melemparkan bungkusan yang berisi wang kepada si malang tadi lalu meneruskan perjalanannya. Dalam pada itu, si malang berasa terkejut setelah mendapati sebuah bungkusan yang tidak diketahui dari mana datangnya, lantas beliau tergesa-gesa membukanya. Setelah dibuka, nyatalah bungkusan itu berisi wang dan secebis kertas yang bertulis, " Hai manusia, sungguh tidak wajar kamu mengeluh sedemikian itu, kamu tidak pernah atau perlu mengeluh diperuntungkan nasibmu. Ingatlah kepada kemurahan Allah dan cubalah bermohon kepada-Nya dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Jangan suka berputus asa, hai kawan, tetapi berusahalah terus."

Pada keesokan harinya, Imam Abu Hanifah melalui lagi rumah itu dan suara keluhan itu kedengaran lagi, "Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Belas Kasihan dan Pemurah, sudilah kiranya memberikan bungkusan lain seperti kelmarin,sekadar untuk menyenangkan hidupku yang melarat ini. Sungguh jika Tuhan tidak beri, akan lebih sengsaralah hidupku, wahai untung nasibku."
Mendengar keluhan itu lagi, maka Abu Hanifah pun lalu melemparkan lagi bungkusan berisi wang dan secebis kertas dari luar jendela itu, lalu dia pun meneruskan perjalanannya. Orang itu terlalu riang sebaik saja mendapat bungkusan itu. Lantas terus membukanya.

Seperti dahulu juga, di dalam bungkusan itu tetap ada cebisan kertas lalu dibacanya, "Hai kawan, bukan begitu cara bermohon, bukan demikian cara berikhtiar dan berusaha. Perbuatan demikian 'malas' namanya. Putus asa kepada kebenaran dan kekuasaan Allah. Sungguh tidak redha Tuhan melihat orang pemalas dan putus asa, enggan bekerja untuk keselamatan dirinya. Jangan….jangan berbuat demikian. Hendak senang mesti suka pada bekerja dan berusaha kerana kesenangan itu tidak mungkin datang sendiri tanpa dicari atau diusahakan. Orang hidup tidak perlu atau disuruh duduk diam tetapi harus bekerja dan berusaha. Allah tidak akan perkenankan permohonan orang yang malas bekerja. Allah tidak akan mengkabulkan doa orang yang berputus asa. Sebab itu, carilah pekerjaan yang halal untuk kesenangan dirimu. Berikhtiarlah sedapat mungkin dengan pertolongan Allah. Insya Allah, akan dapat juga pekerjaan itu selama kamu tidak berputus asa. Nah…carilah segera pekerjaan, saya doakan lekas berjaya."

Sebaik saja dia selesai membaca surat itu, dia termenung, dia insaf dan sedar akan kemalasannya yang selama ini dia tidak suka berikhtiar dan berusaha.
Pada keesokan harinya, dia pun keluar dari rumahnya untuk mencari pekerjaan. Sejak dari hari itu, sikapnya pun berubah mengikut peraturan-peraturan hidup (Sunnah Tuhan) dan tidak lagi melupai nasihat orang yang memberikan nasihat itu.
Dalam Islam tiada istilah pengangguran, istilah ini hanya digunakan oleh orang yang berakal sempit. Islam mengajar kita untuk maju ke hadapan dan bukan mengajar kita tersadai di tepi jalan.

Cervical Cancer Prevention – Call to Action Feature Targeted at Mothers and Daughters

Protect Your Daughter and You against Cervical Cancer

In the 15 minutes it will take you to read this article, four Asian women will die from cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is second only to breast cancer as the biggest killer of Asian women. How about Indonesia? Cervical cancer is the first among all female cancer.1

According to a recent survey, almost 1,7352 Asian women described cervical cancer as genetic- actually caused by HPV infection.

Cervical cancer is not usually top of the mind when we think of female cancers, but the grim reality is that in Asia Pacific, a women dies of cervical cancer every 4 minutes.3 In fact, of the 270.000 Asian women who will be diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2007, more than half will die from it.3 Every women is at risk – no matter her age of family history.4,5

Introducing HPV – the Risk Facing Every Women

What most of us don’t know is that cervical cancer is caused by different types of a common and contagious virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV) and is easily transmitted. Cervical cancer occurs through persistent infection with cancer causing type of HPV. Every woman is at risk of cancer causing HPV infection, which may cause cervical cancer throughout her life.6

HPV can be easily transmitted by skin to skin contact in the genital area, therefore risk starts right from sexual debut.7

Screening is important as it helps to detect the development of cervical cancer.8 However, screening can not prevent cervical cancer.9,10 The good news for women is that a vaccine specifically designed to help protect both young and older women against cervical cancer is becoming a reality and is wonderful news for Indonesian women and women everywhere.

According to Prof/Doctor (insert name) of (insert credentials), “After years of research, the arrival of HPV vaccines to prevent cervical cancer means that future generations of women can be saved from the misery caused by cervical cancer. To increase the effectiveness, however, the HPV vaccine should be administered before the first potential exposure to the virus, prior sexual debut. The best way to way to protect your daughter is by telling her the facts and to consider vaccination now-when she is able to benefit most from the vaccine.”

Talking about the potential role of vaccination, Yuanita Rohali, (insert age) from (insert location) said, “I would do anything to protect my family. I have ……teenage daughters and as far as I am concerned, I know that cervical cancer is preventable – it would be irresponsible not to vaccinate them. I have so many things to worry about in my family’s life-cervical cancer just doesn’t need to be one of them. If cervical cancer is one aspect of our lives I can control – then I will definitely get vaccinated for my daughter”.

Speaking about her mother’s proactive approach toward helping cervical cancer prevention, Alika, 13 years old said, “My mother took the time to talk to me about cervical cancer. I was a little frightened but I know if I have any questions, I can always go to her for advice. I have agreed to get vaccinated so I am protected.”

When was the last time you spoke to your doctors about screening or cervical cancer? In the future, vaccination alongside screening will help reduce the risk of cervical cancer further than screening alone and will also significantly reduce the number of abnormal screening results requiring follow up.11,12,13.

Ask your doctor about vaccine that help provide both young and older women with strong and sustained immune response.

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Cokelat Atasi Kadar Kolesterol Tinggi

Kolesterol darah tinggi, diabetes atau tekanan darah tinggi? Makan atau minum cokelat bisa membantu Anda mengatasi penyakit tersebut. Bukan hanya rasanya yang manis pahit enak di lidah tetapi cokelat punya manfaat dahsyat lho!

Jika Anda tergolong penggemar berat cokelat, Anda bisa berlega hati. Pasalnya, mereka yang sering makan cokelat bisa mengurangi beberapa resiko terkena penyakit seperti darah tinggi, diabetes, kolesetrol dan resiko terkena serangan jantung.

Kakao yang memiliki nama latin Theobroma cacao merupakan tumbuhan dengan tinggi 10 m yang berasal dari Amerika Selatan. Tumbuhan ini memiliki biji yang dapat dihasilkan sebagai produk olahan, yang biasa dikenal sebagai cokelat.

Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa kandungan bahan kimia yang ditemukan pada biji cokelat atau kakao bisa meningkatkan kinerja pembuluh darah pada penderita diabetes dan hipertensi. Juga mempengaruhi tingkat kolestrol dalam darah.

Sebuah studi baru dari Spanyol pun turut membuktikan, cokelat bisa menjadi obat alami untuk mengurangi resiko terhadap penyakit jantung koroner. Selain itu, perpaduan antara cokelat dan susu rendah lemak juga berpengaruh pada tingkat kadar kolestrol dalam darah.

Studi ini telah dipublikasikan Journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. Konsumsi 40 gram produk olahan kakao dan 500 ml susu skim per hari selama 4 minggu bisa meningkatkan kadar kolestrol baik (HDL) dan mengurangi tingkat kolestrol jahat dalam darah (LDL).

Penelitian ini melibatkan 42 relawan untuk berpartisipasi dalam uji coba secara acak. Peserta yang makan cokelat secara teratur selama 4 minggu ditemukan memiliki peningkatan kadar kolestrol baik sebanyak 5%. selain itu, mereka yang minum susu skim coklat beresiko rendah terhadap LDL (kolestrol buruk) dibanding yang tidak atau minum susu skim tanpa coklat.

Hal ini karena pada biji cokelat terdapat kandungan polifenol yang memiliki peran penting untuk meningkatkan produksi molekul apolipoprotein (Apo) A1. Molekul ini merupakan komponen protein utama HDL.

Sementara itu, menurut catatan Archives of Internal Medicine di tahun 2007 lalu, ada sejumlah manfaat besar cokelat. Cokelat baik untuk mengurangi resiko turunnya tekanan darah, meningkatkan ketahanan hidup bagi mereka yang terkena serangan jantung serta bisa melindungi kulit dari kerusakan oleh radikal bebas atau sinar UV.

A headache could attack everyone and many peoples have suffered headaches

A headache could attack everyone and many peoples have suffered headaches. Simply put, having a headache can put a damper us on our entire day. If you’re suffering headaches, here are some tips to relieve your headaches, naturally:

a. Take a break from your current activity

Everyone use their heads to think most of the time. Like our others organ, we also need to rest our mind. Remember to give our head a rest. Headaches can sometimes be your body’s sign that you’re doing too much and need to slow down, so listen to what it’s telling you.

b. Breathe deeply
When your head hurts, stop, relax and take some deep breaths. Don’t underestimate the ability of the breath to calm your body and move energy and stress through it that may be stuck and causing pain. In fact, this is a good practice for every day, whether you’re experiencing pain or not.

c. Eat healthy
Everyone needs foods for their life. Everyone know, better foods gives us better life. So, begin with a good breakfast, which some people feel is the most vital meal of the day. You should also maintain a balanced diet throughout the day, so you can maintain consistent energy and blood sugar levels.

d. Cut out the caffeine
Caffeine can boost your energy and wake you up, but using it excessively (or even at all, for some people) can also cause tension headaches and leave you feeling nervous and irritable. This is another instance when it’s beneficial to listen to what your body tells you. If you have a reaction when you drink coffee, simply eliminate it. Herbal teas are good substitutes, as are roasted grain drinks that simulate coffee taste. You can buy these from the health food store.

e. Say no to additives
Food additives, such as artificial colors and flavors, can trigger headaches. There’s even some evidence that large doses over time may cause more serious problems, such as strokes and seizures. There’s no reason to ingest these additives and they can be easily avoided if you stick to natural foods, with an emphasis on “live” substances, such as fruits and vegetables.

f. Apply a cold, wet cloth
Cool down your aching head by using a towel that has been soaked in cold water and wrung out. If you have the patience to wait, you can also place the wet towel in the freezer before applying it to your head.

g. See an eye specialist
Vision problems or eye strain can sometimes be the cause of headaches, so if you have consistent headaches that don’t seem to have any other cause, get your vision checked. To lessen the financial stress going to the eye doctor can generate, check out your medical coverage to see if you’re covered. Some medical health plans have eye care coverage options, so know if yours does before you go.

If you don’t know what’s causing your headaches, you can assess which of the above factors are relevant to you by keeping a diary that lists which activities you’ve done during the day and what foods you’ve eaten. Patterns will probably surface quickly as you keep the diary, which will give you a good basis for knowing how to treat your headaches.


The Advancement of the Keylogger

A keylogger is a program that runs in your computer’s background secretly recording all your keystrokes. Once your keystrokes are logged, they are hidden away for later retrieval by the attacker. The attacker then carefully reviews the information in hopes of finding passwords or other information that would prove useful to them. For example, a keylogger can easily obtain confidential emails and reveal them to any interested outside party willing to pay for the information.

Keyloggers can be either software or hardware based. Software-based keyloggers are easy to distribute and infect, but at the same time are more easily detectable. Hardware-based keyloggers are more complex and harder to detect. For all that you know, your keyboard could have a keylogger chip attached and anything being typed is recorded into a flash memory sitting inside your keyboard. Keyloggers have become one of the most powerful applications used for gathering information in a world where encrypted traffic is becoming more and more common.

As keyloggers become more advanced, the ability to detect them becomes more difficult. They can violate a user’s privacy for months, or even years, without being noticed. During that time frame, a keylogger can collect a lot of information about the user it is monitoring. A keylogger can potential obtain not only passwords and log-in names, but credit card numbers, bank account details, contacts, interests, web browsing habits, and much more. All this collected information can be used to steal user’s personal documents, money, or even their identity.

A keylogger might be as simple as an .exe and a .dll that is placed in a computer and activated upon boot up via an entry in the registry. Or, the more sophisticated keyloggers, such as the Perfect Keylogger or ProBot Activity Monitor have developed a full line of nasty abilities including:

• Undetectable in the process list and invisible in operation
• A kernel keylogger driver that captures keystrokes even when the user is logged off
• A remote deployment wizard
• The ability to create text snapshots of active applications
• The ability to capture http post data (including log-ins/passwords)
• The ability to timestamp record workstation usage
• HTML and text log file export
• Automatic e-mail log file delivery

All keyloggers are not used for illegal purposes. A variety of other uses have surfaced. Keyloggers have been used to monitor web sites visited as a means of parental control over children. They have been actively used to prevent child pornography and avoid children coming in contact with dangerous elements on the web. Additionally, in December, 2001, a federal court ruled that the FBI did not need a special wiretap order to place a keystroke logging device on a suspect’s computer. The judge allowed the FBI to keep details of its key logging device secret (citing national security concerns). The defendant in the case, Nicodemo Scarfo Jr., indicted for gambling and loan-sharking, used encryption to protect a file on his computer. The FBI used the keystroke logging device to capture Scarfo’s password and gain access to the needed file.

Planet Gliese 581d Livable Ascertained

Gliese 581d, a rocky planet orbiting a giant red dwarf stars (stars with masses lower than the sun and the temperature below 4000 degrees Kelvin) is confirmed as the first planet that meets the requirements to accommodate life.

Planet which is about 20 light-years from Earth is one of our closest neighboring planet. He estimated temperature is warm enough and wet enough to cultivate a similar life-owned planet Earth.

Orbiting Gliese 581d in the Goldilocks zone (the area where possible life forms) belonging to the star Gliese 581. As is known, in the Goldilocks zone, the temperature not too hot, causing the water to boil or not too cold to make it freeze but it was in the right temperature so that water remains in liquid form.

"With a dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide will, which is the most probable scenario for giant planet, Gliese 581d stable climate and warm enough to have oceans, clouds, and rainfall," researchers said the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).

Quoted from the Daily Galaxy, May 19, 2011, according to research published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, Gliese 581d has a mass of at least 7 times bigger than the Earth is about 2 times the planet Earth.

Before this, the attention of astronomers precisely the focus to his brother, the planet Gliese 581g, after it emerged that the planet has a mass similar to Earth's mass and also near Goldilocks zone.

Was first discovered in 2007, Gliese 581d candidate was not originally signed as a place to search for extraterrestrial life. One reason is that he only gets a third of solar radiation as Earth and possibly get 'tidally locked' or just one side that always faces its sun and have a permanent day and night.

However, the latest model made by Robin Wordsworth, Francois Forget, colleagues and other CNRS researchers show a surprising result. Planet's atmosphere is able to store heat thanks to the dense gas CO2 and warmed by the light from the star.

"Overall, there temperature allows liquid water is present on the surface of the planet," said the researcher. "The mass of the planet that also means the gravity on its surface approximately two times higher than Earth's gravity," he said.

However, researchers can not simply send astronauts to the planet. From Earth, the spacecraft that can fly at speeds approaching the speed of light takes more than 20 years to get there. Unfortunately, the rocket technology that has been owned human beings has been only able to deliver us to Gliese 581d in 300 thousand years.

Protection You Can Afford

There are numerous ways you can lose the information on your computer. Your child decides to play Chopin on your keyboard, a power surge, lightening, a virus, or even simple equipment failure. Therefore, backing up the contents of your hard drive is an absolute MUST. By regularly making backup copies of your files and storing them in a separate location, you can typically get some, if not all, of your information back in the event your computer crashes.

While a regular backup to floppy, CD, or zip drive will save your files, wouldn’t it be great if you could create an exact copy (a drive image) of your hard disk? That means backups of all your files, programs, and user settings. This would definitely save you time when it came to reloading. Acronis may be able to help.

Acronis True Image 9.0 is a robust disk-imaging utility software that copies the entire contents of your hard drive including data and operating system files, personalized settings, and more, onto another disk or disk partition. Its layout is easy to use and navigate. It also includes wizards which can walk you through both backing up and restoring your computer. Highlighted features include:

• Secure Zone — allows you to save data to a special hidden partition located on your hard drive which would eliminate the need to purchase an extra hard drive.
• PC Cloning — you can upgrade to a new system disk without needing to reinstall the operating system and applications, or configure user settings.
• Acronis Snap Restore - lightening-speed restore of your PC from an image. You can start working in seconds while your system is still being restored.

Acronis provides a free test-drive of its product and a 30-day money back guarantee. When you are ready to purchase, you can either download for $49.99, or if you so desire, order a boxed version for $59.99. With Acronis True Image Home 9.0, you can rest easy that your family pictures, personal documents, tax returns, resumes, and other important information will not be lost forever.

Fujitsu announced the launch of the ScanSnap N1800

Fujitsu announced the launch of the ScanSnap N1800, network document scanner the first to offer features connection to various services such as Salesforce CRM Cloud, Google Docs and Evernote.

This scanner combines functionality with ease of use so that the scanning process and share documents seamlessly take place without the complicated process of preparation.

ScanSnap N1800 has a fully functional so that more cost effective because users do not need to purchase additional hardware. Users simply press one button to start the scanning process so that the accelerating digitalization of documents in order to facilitate access to information within the company.

The scanner is equipped with features advanced security to ensure the protection and safety when used by many users.

N1800 ScanSnap is a compact size, only 300mm x 226mm x 172mm, and is equipped with the Installation Wizard for easy installation in an office environment.

Administration function allows you to manage and organize a network consisting of many ScanSnap N1800, only from a single console. Menu on the touch panel and scan settings can be adjusted to the specific needs of users or groups of users so that more optimal in supporting work activities.

"Along with the trend of Internet-based IT networks, ScanSnap N1800 is designed with a variety of network capacity to meet the needs of today's business is increasingly challenging. This scanner can be placed in the organization's intranet system, but with features connection to the Cloud service, we aim to increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace, "said Janet Tan, Regional Director of the Fujitsu Imaging Products, told through its official statement on Monday (16 / 5 / 2011).

"Innovation Fujitsu in bringing the concept of an ideal document solution works efficiently and effectively become a reality. ScanSnap N1800 allows users to scan and upload documents to the cloud and access digital data from anywhere through a single touch. It is very easy in the sharing of information, "said Raymond Firdauzi, Country Head of Product Platforms Fujitsu Indonesia.

"ScanSnap N1800 Fujitsu will strengthen its position as the leader of the document scanner market in Indonesia since the second half of 2009 both in terms of volume and revenue."

Price ScanSnap N1800 is USD2, 070 and already available in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and India.

Translated by Google
Oroginal Source:

How many spyware items are infecting your computer?

I just had, by mistake, a plug-in called Intelligent Explorer attach to my browser. What a nightmare! I have another article on this topic, but this brings home a point. Spyware or adware items are continually infecting computers. Most computers have no protection from them. Most frightening is the frequency of them. From the InfosecWriters web site, "According to a 2004 survey by America Online and the National Cyber Security Alliance, 91% of users questioned were familiar with the term spyware. Only 53% believed their computers were infected, but a scan found that 80% of their PCs had some type of spyware installed on them." It goes on to say, "...The average number of spyware components per computer was 93 with one computer having well over a thousand."

What is Spyware?

Butte College ( offers this definition:

“The term ‘spyware’ is broadly defined as any program that gets into your computer without permission and hides in the background while it makes unwanted changes to your user experience.
Spyware is generally not designed to damage your computer. The damage it does is more a by-product of its main mission, which is to serve you targeted advertisements or make your browser display certain sites or search results.
At present, most spyware targets only the Windows operating system (Internet Explorer).”

To be fair, spyware can be harmless, for example tracking cookies don’t do much. While such things infringe on your privacy, they don't really harm anything. Others, however, are extremely dangerous.

So what do you do about it?

No spyware program seems to do everything, but there are a lot of goods solutions out there that can help. Here is a list of some of the top Spyware tools to look at:

1) Try Ad-Aware 6.0 Professional from LavaSoft (there is also a free version with less functionality)

2) Spybot Search & Destroy from PepiMK Software

3) Xoftspy form Pareto Logic

5) Spyware Guard from Javacool Software is a free program

4) Pest Patrol (now part of Computer Associates by acquisition)

5) McAfee Anti-Spyware

One thing is for certain: you do need to take spyware seriously. For some reason, too many people out there think anti-virus solutions are the end-all solution. They are not.

And, when all else fails?

Finally, as drastic as it seems, if your computer has been infected with a large number of spyware programs, the only solution you may have is backing up your data, and performing a complete reinstall of the operating system.

make your reading easy bye Reader Book Light

eReaders have certainly picked up the pace over the years, what with the introduction of touchscreen devices and what not. Well, some of us might have migrated our in-bed reading habits from a paperback to a paperless version with the slew of eReaders around, but what happens when you are looking for the perfect reading light solution that won’t disturb your soundly sleeping partner while not straining your eyes at the same time?
Enter the eReader Book Light, where it lets you shine a bright light at any angle and in any direction thanks to a fully adjustable and flexible arm. There is also a special e-flector that prevents glare while focusing soft, diffused light onto the screen. Capable of delivering more than 15 hours of readable light, each $30 purchase will come with batteries to get you started right out of the box.

Fighting off Viruses: Advancements in Antivirus Software Suites

Protecting your computer from a virus is getting harder and harder each day. While it may border on the paranoid, it goes without saying that you can’t leave your guard down for one second. Even corporate giant Microsoft has found its own systems compromised on more than one occasion.

Remember the “good old days”, before the advent of the Internet and downloadable programs? Life was simple then in terms of computer viruses. With the primary way in which a virus could be transmitted being limited to floppy disks, the ability to catch and eradicate the virus was a lot easier. By today’s standards, it used to take quite a while before a virus was able to infect a computer and slow down the system. The antivirus software of that time was typically able to identify and eradicate viruses before they caused too much damage. Additionally, computer users were pretty savvy on how to protect themselves in terms of scanning all floppy disks before copying them to our desktop.

The Internet helped change all that. The Internet provided a conduit by which viruses could move from host to host with lightening speed. No longer could a computer user just worry about floppy disks as points of entry, but they now had to worry about email, email attachments, peer-to-peer file sharing, instant messaging, and software downloads. Today’s viruses can attack through multiple entry points, spread without human intervention, and take full advantage of vulnerabilities within a system or program. With technology advancing everyday, and the convergence of computers with other mobile devices, the potential of new types of threats also increase.

Protecting Your Computer
Luckily, the advancement of antivirus software has kept pace with current virus threats. Antivirus software is essential to a computer’s ability to fend off viruses and other malicious programs. These products are designed to protect against the ability of a virus to enter a computer through email, web browsers, file servers and desktops. Additionally, these programs offer a centralized control feature that handle deployment, configuration and updating.
A computer user should remain diligent and follow a few simple steps to protect against the threat of a virus:

1. Evaluate your current computer security system.
With the threat of a new generation of viruses able to attack in a multitude of ways, the approach of having just one antivirus software version has become outdated. You need to be confident that you have protected all aspects of your computer system from the desktop to the network, and from the gateway to the server. Consider a more comprehensive security system which includes several features including antivirus, firewall, content filtering, and intrusion detection. This type of system will make it more difficult for the virus to penetrate your system.
2. Only install antivirus software created by a well-known, reputable company.
Because new viruses erupt daily, it is important that you regularly update your antivirus software. Become familiar with the software’s real-time scan feature and configure it to start automatically each time you boot your computer. This will protect your system by automatically checking your computer each time it is powered up.
3. Make it a habit to always scan all new programs or files no matter from where they originate.
4. Exercise caution when opening binary, Word, or Excel documents of unknown sources especially if they were received during an online chat or as an attachment to an email.
5. Perform regular backups in case your system is corrupted. It may be the only way to recover your data if infected.

Recommended Antivirus Software
There are numerous applications available to consumers. With a little research, you can pick the program that is right for you. Many programs provide a trial version which allows you to download the program and test its abilities. However, be aware that some anti-virus programs can be difficult to uninstall. As a precaution make sure to set up a System Restore point before installing.

Here are a few programs which typically receive high marks in terms of cost, effectiveness, ease of use, and customer service.

The Shield Pro ™ provides virus protection and hacker security through ongoing support and updates. When a virus breaks out, The Shield Pro™ promises to provide a patch within 2-3 hours and a fix for the virus within 5 hours. You can set your computer to update viruses weekly and run a complete virus scan.

BitDefender 9 Standard provides antivirus protection, as well as Peer-2-Peer Applications protection, full email protection, and heuristics in a virtual environment. This provides a new security layer that keeps the operating system safe from unknown viruses by detecting malicious pieces of code for which signatures have not been released yet.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal  program is simple to install and use. The user only needs to choose from three levels of protection. It allows updates as frequently as every hour while promising not to disrupt your computer. The program also offers a two-tier email protection feature and round-the-clock technical support.

PC-cillin Internet Security combines antivirus security and a personal firewall—for comprehensive protection against viruses, worms, Trojans, and hackers. It also detects and removes spyware and blocks spam. It even guards against identity theft by blocking phishing and pharming attacks.

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is a free downloadable antivirus program that has received high marks for its reliability. In the past, free downloadable antivirus programs have been viewed skeptically because of issues relating to its reliability. However, AVG from Grisoft, remains one of the best-known free anti-virus programs available. While AVG can not be installed on a server operating system and there is no technical support, it still makes a good choice for many home computer users. The best part is that since it is free, you can try it with no further obligation necessary.

Spyware Beware

Spyware and Adware are not only an ever increasing nuisance for computer users everywhere, but also a booming industry. According to Webroot Software, Inc., the distribution of online advertisements through spyware and adware has become a $2 billion industry.

The aggressive advertising and spying tactics demonstrated by some of these programs, require an equally aggressive response from a seasoned eradicator. Sunbelt Software is such a company. A leader in Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, Network Security and System Management tools, they gave consistently remained on the cutting-edge of anti-spyware programming since 1994.

One of their more notable software applications is CounterSpy 1.5. CounterSpy is designed to detect and remove spyware that is already in your computer system. Additionally, it provides real-time protection while preventing browser hijacking and changes to your computer’s Registry.

Other notable features include:
• Detection and Removal of Tracking Cookies – while it is true that applications like Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta are free, they do not include the ability to detect and remove tracking cookies like CounterSpy does.
• History Cleaner - erases any traceable trails left on your computer as you surf the Internet.
• Secure File Eraser - a powerful deletion tool that can completely eliminate all files you want removed from your computer including images, music, movies and applications.
• PC Explorer - allows you a look into files and areas that are normally inconvenient to access, such as your startup programs, browser helper objects, and ActiveX programs that are being downloaded or used.
• Support for Older Operating Systems – includes Windows 98SE, Windows ME, and Windows NT.

Recommended by PC World, ConsumerSearch, and Dell, CounterSpy holds one of the highest effective ratings for spyware removal. It also received high marks from TopTenReviews (2006) for ease of use, customization/installation, and help/support. For only $19.95 per machine, users can receive a one year subscription with updates, upgrades, and technical support from real live humans. CounterSpy definitely provides ease of use and affordability for just about any computer user from the novice to the expert.

What in Google chrome book


With Acer and Samsung on hand with the first of the hardware, the Chromebook is the market culmination of the Google Chrome OS project publicly announced back in 2009. As we found in our review of the Cr-48, Google’s initial Chrome OS notebook targeted at developers, Chrome OS works best for those who already live their computing lives in the cloud: Gmail for their email, Chrome for their browser, Google Docs for their content creation and editing.A Chromebook basically takes that Chrome OS platform and puts it onto specially designed hardware: it’s a new breed of laptops rather than one specific model.

The Google Chrome Book is making headlines with it’s simplicity. This may be the first desktop with a legitimate offering to replace Microsoft’s stronghold on schools, business, and enterprise computing. The Chrome Book loads directly into a web browser.

From Wired Magazine:
“With kids, they flip the lid and they are online,” Wente-Chany said. “They don’t spend eight minutes booting up and authenticating with the network,” which she described as a waste of classroom time.
The Google Chrome Book is to be released on June 15th.

Computer Viruses that Come a Callin’

Every day new computer viruses are created to annoy us and to wreck havoc on our computer systems. Below are ten viruses currently cited as being the most prevalent in terms of being seen the most or in their ability to potentially cause damage. New viruses are created daily. This is by no means an all inclusive list. The best thing you can do is to remain vigilant, keep your anti-virus software updated, and stay aware of the current computer virus threats.

Virus: Trojan.Lodear
A Trojan horse that attempts to download remote files. It will inject a .dll file into the EXPLORER.EXE process causing system instability.

Virus: W32.Beagle.CO@mm
A mass-mailing worm that lowers security settings. It can delete security-related registry sub keys and may block access to security-related websites.

Virus: Backdoor.Zagaban
A Trojan horse that allows the compromised computer to be used as a covert proxy and which may degrade network performance.

Virus: W32/Netsky-P
A mass-mailing worm which spreads by emailing itself to addresses produced from files on the local drives.

Virus: W32/Mytob-GH
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor Trojan for the Windows platform. Messages sent by this worm will have the subject chosen randomly from a list including titles such as: Notice of account limitation, Email Account Suspension, Security measures, Members Support, Important Notification.

Virus: W32/Mytob-EX
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor Trojan similar in nature to W32-Mytob-GH. W32/Mytob-EX runs continuously in the background, providing a backdoor server which allows a remote intruder to gain access and control over the computer via IRC channels. This virus spreads by sending itself to email attachments harvested from your email addresses.

Virus: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C, and Mytob-ER
This family of worm variations possesses similar characteristics in terms of what they can do. They are mass-mailing worms with backdoor functionality that can be controlled through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network. Additionally, they can spread through email and through various operating system vulnerabilities such as the LSASS (MS04-011).

Virus: Zafi-D
A mass mailing worm and a peer-to-peer worm which copies itself to the Windows system folder with the filename Norton Update.exe. It can then create a number of files in the Windows system folder with filenames consisting of 8 random characters and a DLL extension. W32/Zafi-D copies itself to folders with names containing share, upload, or music as ICQ 2005a new!.exe or winamp 5.7 new!.exe. W32/Zafi-D will also display a fake error message box with the caption "CRC: 04F6Bh" and the text "Error in packed file!".

Virus: W32/Netsky-D
A mass-mailing worm with IRC backdoor functionality which can also infect computers vulnerable to the LSASS (MS04-011) exploit.

Virus: W32/Zafi-B
A peer-to-peer (P2P) and email worm that will copy itself to the Windows system folder as a randomly named EXE file. This worm will test for the presence of an internet connection by attempting to connect to or A bilingual, worm with an attached Hungarian political text message box which translates to “We demand that the government accommodates the homeless, tightens up the penal code and VOTES FOR THE DEATH PENALTY to cut down the increasing crime. Jun. 2004, Pécs (SNAF Team)”

Just what is Intelligent Explorer? For your safety, you really need to know

I recently hit, by mistake, what I thought was an Explorer upgrade option. It turned out to be a pop-up appearing legitimate but really was not. It uploaded a product called Intelligent Explorer on my machine. What a nightmare!

I did some research on the web and found messages like this one from a BullGuard Antivirus Forum,


Another message from spywareinfo Forum goes something like this:

"Hey I'm having issues with something called Internet explorer toolbar - Intelligent explorer. I can’t find a way to remove it from my comp and I really don’t want to reinstall windows. I've used spybot, ad-ware, and cw shredder but nothing seems to work."

It appears that Intelligent Explorer allows other software to be downloaded to your machine and this is where the problem occurs. What is even more remarkable is that by downloading Intelligent Explorer, their license grants them the right to install software add-ins on your computer at their will. Take a look at what the software license for Intelligent Explore says (go to to read it all):

"You grant to us the right, exercisable by us until you uninstall the Software or this agreement is otherwise terminated, to provide to you the Service of downloading and causing to be displayed advertising material on your computer, through ‘pop-up’ or other display while you use your browser. You acknowledge and agree that installation of the Software may automatically modify toolbars and other settings of your browser. By installing the Software you agree to such modifications."

The company, IBC incorporated, is incorporated in Belize. I really can't believe this license!

One end user found highly objectionable pop-up advertisements generated by this software bundled with Intelligent Explorer in the form of extreme pornography.

I have yet to break this.

Intelligent Explorer is a plug-in, which can create a new home page, as well as start up and endless loop of pop-ups. You can remove the view bar, but then starting up Internet Explorer will cause it to reappear. I asked some friends to help, and no one could tell me what to do.

This is what I did:

I bought a copy of a program called XoftSpy and it removed the software. It took two scans and a reboot to do it. This is not an advertisement for this product. They advertised it was free, which it was to run, but then I had to buy it to actually fix anything. It cost me $40 and I am sure that there are freeware products out there as well, but that is what ended the nightmare for me. Other spyware products I have seen out there include spybot, NoAdware, Spyware Eliminator, Pal Spyware Remover, and Spyware C.O.P.

About Encryption and Making Your System Secure

What does encryption do for me?

Encryption and cryptographic software has been used in many different ways to make systems more secure. This article discusses only a few ways that such software can make your system more secure, including:

1) Encrypting your email

2) Encrypting your files

To programs are mentioned that will help encrypt information. There are many more programs out there that will help, but these programs are good and a good place to start as any. They have the added benefit of both being free with source code available.

Will encryption stop people from accessing my information?

Encryption simply makes it harder for people to gain access to important information, like passwords or sensitive information in a file. The first thing you should know about encryption is that the algorithm that is used to encrypt can be simple or more complex and that affects how securely what you have encrypted is protected. Encryption systems have been broken when the method of encryption is understood by hackers and is easy to break.

Why bother to encrypt my email?

It should be noted that email is far less secure than paper mail for two very good reasons: first, electronic data can be accessed easily over an Internet and secondly, electronic data is really simple to copy. There is a very good chance that someone has snooped around in your email despite your best intentions to stop it.

How do I go about encrypting my email?

There are many programs out there that can help you encrypt your email. A very popular one is PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) or its Gnu offshoot GPG.

PGP ( self-describes itself this way: This "is a program that gives your electronic mail something that it otherwise doesn't have: Privacy. It does this by encrypting your mail so that nobody but the intended person can read it. When encrypted, the message looks like a meaningless jumble of random characters. PGP has proven itself quite capable of resisting even the most sophisticated forms of analysis aimed at reading the encrypted text."

Why bother to encrypt my files?

The answer to this boils down to what you store on your computer. If you have financial data with important information like social security numbers, email addresses, account numbers and passwords, then you open yourself up to losing very valuable information. Most corporate Internet security employees will attest to the widespread theft of very valuable information. As long as you are connected to the Internet you are vulnerable.

How do I go about encrypting my files?

AxCrypt File Encryption Software ( Self-described as "Free Personal Privacy and Security for Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/seven with AES-128 File Encryption, Compression and transparent Decrypt and Open in the original application."

Western Digital My Book Essential 3TB Review

Western Digital (WDC), one of the world's premier manufacturer of storage capacity of 3TB external hard drive brings to the Indonesian market. Although not the first company to launch a hard disk with a capacity for it, but the products offered by Western Digital is the first that fully supports USB 3.0 connection.

Items referred to the My Book Essential 3TB. In contrast to the My Passport Essential series, this product is an external hard drive which is intended to accommodate data users in the office or at home. Not to carry around, although you can still portable if needed.

Specifications and Features

There are several models that are provided by the WDC to drive this series. Ranging from 500GB to 3TB capacity as discussed this time, and from which only supports USB 2.0 to support USB 2.0 as well as 3.0.

Western Digital My Book Essential, especially WDBACW0030HBK model supports USB 3.0 and also continue to support USB 2.0. As is known, USB 3.0 capable of transmitting data with maximum speeds up to 5Gbps, while USB 2.0 only a maximum of 480Mbps. The following specifications WD My Book Essential WDBACW0030HBK 3TB.

3TB Capacity

Connectivity USB 3.0 (Max 5GBps)

USB 2.0 (Max 480Mbps)

Physical Dimensions 165 x 135 x 48 millimeters

1.18 kilograms

Working temperature 5 to 35 degrees Celsius

Storage temperature -20 to 65 degrees Celsius

System files


Supported operating systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac OS X, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard (need to be reformatted)

Just as the Western Digital external hard drives made by others, this model also comes with the application SmartWare. This application allows users to perform backups automatically, synchronize the files easily, and protect certain files by using passwords.


Western Digital My Book Essential use glossy casing that makes it look simple. For he was still working in cool conditions, ventilation is provided at the top, rear, and bottom. Input panel output connector and the power button itself is located in the rear.

When connected to a computer with operating system Windows XP 32-bit, direct product can be recognized. However, the detected only 2TB capacity. Similarly, when installed on the operating system Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

To be able to fully utilize the capacity of 3TB, you need to run applications WD SmartWare, do Set Up Drive, then format the drive. After formatting is completed, the capacity of a relief it is ready for use.

In Windows XP, the time required to transfer 1GB of data to the hard drive via the USB 2.0 connection to reach 46.75 seconds. Conversely, to transmit data from the My Book Essential to the computer, it takes only 39.84 seconds.

Using Windows 7, the time to send data to a 1GB hard drive a little longer which is 1 minute 4.84 seconds. Conversely, sending data from an external hard drive to a computer via the USB 2.0 it took 39.84 seconds.

From experiments using CrystalDiskMark application, a sequential, using a USB 2.0 connection, this hard drive can write data up to 34.58 MBps and write up to 26.5 MBps. As a comparison, if the Western Digital hard drive Essential paired in port that supports USB 3.0, speed reading achieve 65.95MBps, while he wrote in 64.97MBps speed.

Today, Western Digital MyBook Essential 3TB began to be marketed in a price range of Rp2 million. Price ratio is still large enough adrift with a smaller version that is 2TB and 1TB are marketed in a price range of Rp1, 2 million and Rp850 thousand. However, it is worth the price if needed relief capacity hard drive in one unit.

- Large capacity
- Supports USB 3.0 for faster data transmission

- The price far adrift with a size below it.

Found, Wind Galaxy Destroyer

Infrared Space Observatory Herschel owned by European Space Agency (ESA) has detected the movement of wind consisting of gas molecules that flow away from the galaxy.

The wind that has been monitored for many years was thought to have sufficient power to destroy the galaxy consists of gas and halt star formation early on.

Herschel detected the wind is incredible. Some blowing hard, with a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per second. The wind is 10 thousand times faster than the storms that blow on Earth.

"This is the first time that such molecular gas flow can be clearly observed in a galaxy," Echard said Sturm, a researcher from the Max-Planck Institute, who chaired the study, as quoted by the Daily Galaxy, Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

This finding, Sturm said, is important because the stars are formed from molecular gas. While this wind flow steal materials belonging galaxies needed to make new stars. "If hembusannya strong enough, they can even stop the total star formation," he said.

"With Herschel, now we can study what effect the wind is blowing towards the evolution of galaxies," said Sturm.

From the research, concluded that up to 1200 times the mass of our sun is lost every year due to the devastating winds. The amount is equal to the depletion of gas supplies to form a galaxy of stars between one and 100 million years into the future. In fact, the disruption of star formation has adverse effects on galaxies.

The wind itself could be due to the expenditure of particles and intense light of a new star or it could be by the shock wave from the explosion of an old star. Alternatively, the wind can be triggered by radiation caused by substances that are spinning around the black hole, in the middle of the galaxy-4R826TNZNX92

Sony Ericson-Xperia Neo


The Xperia™ neo smartphone is powered by Sony multimedia technology. It's great to look at. Even better to hold. And when you want more, there's the whole world of Android™. On the smart Xperia™ neo touch phone

A touch phone for great pics

Snap superb pictures in the sunset. Shoot sharp scenes in low light. The Xperia™ neo touch phone comes with an 8.1 megapixel camera and Sony's award-winning Exmor™ R for mobile image sensor. 

Xperia™ neo - a sharp and bright smartphone

Take the brightest photos. Create shining movie epics. Show it all on your Xperia™ neo smartphone. With the multi-touch Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA® Engine, you see colours and contrasts in a whole new light.

Smartphone goes videophone

Time for your big screen premiere? View videos and photos on your HD TV. Just connect via the built-in HDMI connector. Browse your files using your TV's remote. So if there's nothing on TV tonight, no worries - use your smartphone. It doubles as a videophone. (TV must be CEC compatible)

The Best Notebooks Below US$500

undefinedEven though tablets are all the rage nowadays, some people would opt to buy notebooks instead despite the steep price largely because of hardware difference. With a notebook, users type with an actual keyboard, view the webpages on a larger screen, and can even connect with HDMI without the use of an adapter.

Now, laptop enthusiasts would be delighted to know that the new batch of portable computers can now be bought for prices US$500 and below, thanks to its AMD Fusion E-350 processor that enables to work both as a dual-core processor and graphics chip. And because Fusion does not take much power, these notebooks are assured of a longer battery life compared to its contemporaries.

Laptop Magazine compiled the best notebooks under $500 and here are their top choices. You can read the full reviews on the source link.

HP Pavilion dm1z (pictured) – For only $479, this notebook earns the Editor’s Choice tag for its good graphics performance and long battery life. Users can also rely on its superior sound quality, CoolSense technology, and comfortable keyboard. It has, however, a distracting fan and a slow hard drive.

Acer Aspire AS5253 – This Fusion-powered notebook offers long battery life and good performance despite its low price. It gets high scores for its comfortable keyboard, good-quality webcam, and relatively light weight; while it earns low marks on its lackluster speakers and low-efficient wireless connectivity.

MSI CR650 – Costing $499, this AMD-powered laptop from MSI gets high marks for its strong sound, long battery life, strong graphics performance, and sleek design. However, its lid picks up fingerprints, while it takes a while to boot.

Toshiba Satellite C655D – For $398, users can get a netbook with a larger screen, textured finish, and above average battery life. Its performance though is very much like a netbook, plus its space bar is shorter than usual.

70 Year Evolution of Mobile

The phone now has a gadget such as compulsory for everyone. Just look at the people you meet on the road. Most likely a cell phone in his trouser pocket or slip into their shirts.

But did you know that the way the phone has come a process of evolution for 70 years? Site WonderHow To immortalize the journey of evolution that phone.

1. SCR-194 (1938)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Komunasi tool is 'mbahnya' phones. SCR-194 and SCR-195 is the first portable AM ??radio in the world. It is created by the U.S. Army Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Equipment which is seen as a walkie talkie that first weighs about 11 kg and helpless to reach 8 km.

2. SCR-300 (1940)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

This tool is a replacement for SCR-195. Developed by Motorola, SCR-300 is a portable FM radio used by allied forces in World War II. He weighs between 14-17 kg, with 4.8 km radius coverage.

3. SCR-536 (1942)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Motorola produces 'Handie talkies' to the U.S., as the development of two previous communications tool. By using the AM radio technology, SCR-536 is much lighter weight, which is only 2.27 kg with a range of 1.6 km.

4. MTA (1956)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Mobile System A (MTA) is a communication device made by Ericsson and is used by Sweden. He weighs 40 kg or the equivalent weight of 300 units of mobile phones iPhone.

5. DynaTAC (1973)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Motorola makes a portable phone prototype Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage (DynaTAC) as the first practical personal cell phone. In the picture, former Vice President of Motorola's Martin Cooper was called competitors of Bell Labs, Joel S. Engel.

6. DynaTAC (1983)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Ten years after the emergence of a prototype DynaTAC, Motorola began marketing this phone to the public. With a weight weighing 0.9 kg, DynaTAC worked in network technology, AMPS, first-generation analog cellular service in North America.

7. MicroTAC (1989)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Motorola introduces MicroTAC which is the first flip phone design in the world. This design reduces the size of the phone when not in use. With its small size. MicroTAC is also the world's first cell phone pocket.

8. StarTAC (1996)

From Backpack to Smartphone Transceiver: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Continuing its line of TAC, Motorola then launched the first clamshell phone named StarTAC that can be folded like a clam shell. According to Motorola, the phone is inspired by a communication device that appears in the movie series Star Trek.

9. Communicator (1997)

Nokia 9000 Communicator is a mobile phone that brings users into the era of smart phones or smartphones. With its clamshell design, this phone is the first to provide the LCD screen and a full QWERTY key board.

10. Benefon (1999)

Geosentric is the first handset vendor that makes the phone integrated with GPS devices. Not only that, this phone called Benefon withstand splashes of water, using a greyscale, and provides a map to track the position and movement of the user.

11. VP-201 (1999)

In Japan, Kyocera launched its mobile phone VP-201 which is the first phone that has an integrated camera.

12. BlackBerry 5810 (2002)

RIM launches first BlackBerry devices are integrated with the phone. It is targeting the mobile professional users who require instant email service and schedule adjustments. The disadvantage, these devices do not have a speaker and microphone.

13. iPhone (2007)

Steve Jobs started Apple introduced the iPhone in 2007, a revolutionary smart phone that uses touch screen as well as adopting 3G technology.

14. HTC EVO 4G (2010)

This phone is a phone first to adopt the standard 4G, and WiMAX networks operating in. With Android operat system 2.1, it is the largest mobile phone touch screen, 8 MP camera, video recorder high definition, HDMI output, features Mobile Hotspot, and Sense HTC interface.

2030, Space Trash Rise 3 Times Fold

Science Info-In a conference, William Shelton, chairman of the U.S. Air Force Space Command expressed concern about the increasing number of man-made space junk.

"The numbers continue to rise. Now it has more than 50 countries involved in space exploration, "Shelton said, as quoted from Space, May 10, 2011. "Currently, more than 20 thousand objects in the unused space," he said.

Currently, Shelton said, it continues to monitor regularly the growth of space debris. "Looking at growth trends, it is estimated that number will triple by 2030," he said. "In fact, the possibility of the amount of waste is 10 times more because we have sensors that are currently not able to keep track of all the waste that exists," said Shelton.

Terrible, call Shelton, objects that become garbage is very dangerous. "They can damage the system of military space, civil space systems, commercial satellites, and others," he said. "No one is immune from the threat that is in orbit today," Shelton said.

According to Marshall Kaplan, an expert on space debris of the Space Department, Johns Hopkins University, space junk in low earth orbit have been accumulating since the past 50 years. Last additions are, remnants of Anti-Satellite Test (asat) of China in 2007.

"One of these trials has increased the number of objects from the rubble about 35 percent," said Kaplan. "Worse, located at an altitude of 865 kilometers, where most populous region generally orbiting satellites," he said.

Another case, in February 2009, Iridium Satellite 33, US-owned communications satellite collides with the Cosmos, the Russian spacecraft that was not used, at an altitude similar to China's asat test. As a result, pieces of debris scattered more.

"The results of satellite launches during the past 50 years and the two events, now the area between the altitude of 700 kilometers to 1300 kilometers there jutaaan debris size from a few millimeters to several meters," says Kaplan.

Unfortunately, says Kaplan, the growth of this waste can not be reversed. Cleanup efforts space would be too expensive. "Currently there is nothing we can do. We do not have sufficient funds, the technology does not exist, and there is no cooperation. No one wants to fund this effort, "said Kaplan.

Kaplan added, the cleaning space is 'industry that continues to grow' but no one wanted to do. "In addition, politically, it is also not profitable," he said.

Global Warming Disturb Internet Connection

Techno Info-Internet access via Wi-Fi connection and other communications-related threat of global warming unless some action is taken to protect them from temperatures continue to rise and weather gets worse.

According to Caroline Spelman, Minister of Environment UK, higher temperatures can reduce the distance the signal beam wireless communication devices. The rain storms can affect the reliability of the device in the capture signal. Wetter winters will also cause landslides, damaging the stake, as well as underground cables.

The threat posed by climate change on the Internet and telephone access is a rare occurrence and only developed countries that experienced more severe impact. In developing countries alone, a greater risk posed by climate change is flooding, droughts, and rising water level.

"If climate change threatens the quality of the signal or you do not get a signal due to extreme fluctuations in temperature, then you will incur a loss. This is very urgent for us to overcome, "Spelman said, quoted by the Guardian, Wednesday, May 11, 2011.

"Imagine if at the time an emergency condition, internet connection or telecommunications were cut off," said Spelman.

Spelman said the report prepared, it was concluded that the infrastructure, from roads and railways, electricity supply sources to the water supply source, should be made more resilient to climate change.

More detail, the report concludes, electrical cable network should be strengthened to prevent damage, the road must be coated with a protective surface for the asphalt does not melt, and the trains should be made more resistant to heat so as not curved.

The government itself, says Spelman, acknowledged that climate change impacts on telecommunications is not well understood. But a report prepared showed a number of potential risk. Besides the impact on coverage and reliability, the warmer temperatures and more intense storms that could potentially lead to the communication infrastructure have flooded or damaged by falling trees are uprooted.

In the report, researchers also predicted that changes in the growth of trees can affect how the radio waves move

blackberry bold 9900-Review

Gadget Review-BlackBerry World 2011 is now behind us and what a week it was. Adam, Bla1ze and I made it home from Orlando and we are exhausted. But before catching up on some Zzzz's we first recorded our BlackBerry World Super Duper Roundup Podcast which you can listen to here or download on your BlackBerry PlayBook or Smartphone via the Podcasts app. We want to see this episode be the most downloaded in the BB Podcasts app, so be sure to subscribe to us there and download.

In this show we cover all of the news coming out of BlackBerry World 2011, including the newly announced BlackBerry Bold 9900/9930 as well as all of the PlayBook-related news and announcements and much, much, much more.

Like the BlackBerry® Torch™ smartphone, these new devices integrate brilliant, high resolution, capacitive touch screens, trackpads and full QWERTY keypads and are the thinnest BlackBerry smartphones yet. Here’s a quick look at some of the key specs for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones.

• 115 x 66 x 10.5 mm, approximately 130 g
• 2.8? capacitive touch screen display – VGA (640×480), 287 PPI resolution
• Full, wide QWERTY keyboard, optical trackpad
• 1.2 GHz Processor, 768 MB RAM
• 8 GB on-board memory, plus microSD slot supporting up to 32 GB cards
• NFC technology
• 5.0 MP camera with flash, supports 720p HD video recording
• Orientation Sensor (Accelerometer), Digital Compass (Magnetometer), Proximity Sensor
• Built-in GPS / aGPS
• Dual-Band Wi-Fi® – 802.11 b/g/n at 2.4 GHz and 802.11 a/n at 5 GHz
• Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR support
• 1230 mAh removable, rechargeable battery

Wireless Network support:
o BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone: Tri-Band HSPA+, Quad-Band GSM/EDGE
o BlackBerry Bold 9930 smartphone: Dual-Band CDMA/EVDO Rev A, Dual-Band HSPA+, Quad-Band GSM/EDGE

BlackBerry 7 OS

In addition to being the first touch BlackBerry Bold smartphones, the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones are also the first to feature the BlackBerry 7 OS. The BlackBerry 7 OS is a performance driven platform designed to deliver a faster and easier communication, multimedia and productivity experience for BlackBerry smartphone users. In addition to improved web browsing and universal search capabilities (now with voice-enabled search!), here is a quick rundown of some of the new functionality that the BlackBerry 7 OS powers in the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones:

• Liquid Graphics™ – The BlackBerry 7 OS delivers fast, fluid performance when browsing, accessing pictures or video, or running graphics intensive games.
• NFC – Built-in support for Near Field Communications (NFC), an exciting new technology that is designed to provide a secure exchange of information between NFC-enabled devices over a very short distance. Watch our interview with Andrew Bocking, VP Handheld Software Product Management, to learn more about BlackBerry and Near Field Communications.
• Augmented Reality – The BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones feature a built-in compass (magnetometer) to take advantage of BlackBerry 7 OS support for augmented reality applications.
• HD Video – The BlackBerry 7 OS supports up to 720p HD video recording.

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones are expected to be available from carriers around the world beginning this summer. Stay tuned for additional blog posts where we dive deeper into the BlackBerry 7 OS and BlackBerry Bold 9900 and 9930 smartphones! For now, head to the BlackBerry Bold smartphone page for the latest info.